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Study in Republic of Belarus

Republic of Belarus, an Eastern European country, bordering Russia in the north and east, Ukraine in South and Latvia, Lithuania, Poland in the west. Belarus has a distinct and proud culture of its own, with its own language, and customs, and cuisine, and art. Much like those in other countries in the region, students who opt to study in Belarus will encounter a relatively cool climate, with cold winters and mild summers.

The Belarussian system of higher education includes educational, research and governing institutions that use unified official standards and rules in the processes of teaching, management, assessment and research. Higher education is provided by public and private accredited higher education institutions. Education in public higher education institutions is free of charge for students who passed the entrance competition. In private higher education institutions, all students pay tuition fees. Higher education is under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, which is responsible for the accreditation and licensing of higher education institutions and developing and applying the State Educational Standards.

Benefits of Studying in Republic of Belarus :

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